The Four Benefits of Low VOC Paint

Tony 12/23/2019
The Four Benefits of Low VOC Paint

If you’re looking to re-paint your home in an eco-friendly way, VOCs are something you need to know about — and avoid. According to a report published by the CBC marketplace, levels of VOC over 500 ppb can cause problems for people who are sensitive to chemicals. But what exactly are VOCs and how can you avoid them?

What is a VOC?

VOCs — Volatile Organic Compounds — are carbon-containing unstable compounds that are capable of vaporizing into the air. Once in the air, VOCs can react with other elements and create harmful pollution. Breathing in these chemicals can also be detrimental to your health, as mentioned above in the CBC report. Symptoms of inhalation can include breathing problems, headaches, watery eyes, asthma, nausea, and, over time, even cancer. In the United States, the EPA has placed limits on VOC levels in paint; however, some paints can still contain strikingly high levels. The levels of vaporized VOCs from these paints is highest as the paint is drying, though you can continue breathing these toxins in for years.

The good news is, health-focused paints do exist. These low VOC paints are the perfect alternative for homeowners who want not only a healthier paint but a more ecologically friendly one as well. If you want to learn more, here are four of the most significant benefits that these health-focused paints can provide.

1. Clean Air

Low VOC eco friendly paint helps keep the air in your home as clean as possible. If you use a low VOC paint throughout your home, you won’t have to worry about breathing in dangerous fumes, or negatively impacting the quality of your air for years to come. This is especially important for people who have respiratory issues and allergies, as VOCs in the air could trigger an attack or worsen the condition.

2. No Strong Odors

Everyone knows that ‘fresh paint’ smell. It’s strong and can be overpowering in small poorly ventilated areas. This chemical scent is due in large part to the high concentration of VOCs that are found throughout many different paints. This smell, while being overall unpleasant, can also be incredibly harmful. In homes, it can cause discomfort and respiratory issues that make re-painting difficult if not dangerous. Health-focused paints with low to no VOCs allows you to forgo these strong odors and get back into your home quicker, without worrying about potentially hazardous vapors.

3. Easy to Clean

Low VOC paints are often easier to clean as well. With just soap and water you can remove dirt, scuff marks, smudges, and any artwork your kids decide to put on the wall!

4. Longevity and Durability

Many people tend to assume that VOCs help to make the paint more long-lasting; however, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. In fact, Low VOC paint tends to be even more long-lasting and durable than high VOC alternatives. This means you won’t have to worry about re-paint for decades to come, and can instead enjoy your newly painted home without having to endure the nasty smells or harmful chemicals that can come from traditional paints!

Health-focused paints are a great alternative for homeowners seeking to re-paint their homes in the most eco-friendly way possible. These paints are great for preventing the hazardous inhalation of dangerous VOCs and can be perfect for homes with elder occupants or children. If this sounds like the perfect option for you, reach out to a low VOC paint distributor for more information. Paints of this sort can be found in both low and VOC free varieties, so you will be certain to find the best variety that works for you and your family.