100+ Amazing Ikea Hacks for Kids

Lullaby 02/18/2016

Who doesn't love Ikea? The maze of household goods, staged spaces to spur your imagination, and lux looks on a dime. All that and Swedish meatballs, too! Seriously, one of the greatest things about Ikea is that their simple furnishing designs make them incredibly easy to adapt to all spaces and aesthetics. It's called "Ikea hacking" and there's an entire website dedicated to featuring the infinite amount of ways people modify their products. They have a huge kid's section at the store, but almost everything in the entire place can be altered into something fun and functional for kids. Today, we're sharing over 100 amazing Ikea hacks for kids. Some take more DIY skill than others, but they're all brilliant!







Follow Lullaby Paints' board Ikea Hacks for Kids on Pinterest.

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If you're going paint something, follow these simple tips:

 How to Paint Laminate Wood

  • Lightly scuff the surface to make the paint adhere, but be gentle.
  • Then make sure it is clean and dust free.
  • Paint. Traditional paints release risky VOCs (and will for long after the paint dries), so we highly recommend Lullaby Paints Trim and Furniture Paint because of it’s superior coverage, outstanding durability, and zero VOC* formula. Apply two coats with a brush or mini roller. Let the piece sit overnight before using it.

How to Paint Bare Wood

  •  Give the piece a light sanding and then wipe it off with tack cloth.
  • Prime. Why prime? According to Home Guides, “The purpose of primer isn’t just to provide an opaque base coat, although that is an important function. Primer typically has a high solids content, so it fills the grain in wood and makes the finish coat smoother. Moreover, its binding agent is more adhesive than that of paint, so it sticks to wood better than paint, and paint sticks to it better than it does to wood.” Most bonding and stain blocking primers are oil-based, so if you use them you need to wear a respirator and do the work somewhere with plenty of ventilation. And, you’ll want to let the piece off-gas for some time before putting it in your child’s room. If you use Lullaby Paints Primer, there is no odor***, zero VOCs*, and it’s non-toxic**, so you can feel completely comfortable doing this project in your home. Apply one even coat with a brush or mini-roller.
  • Sand In Between Coats. Use a fine grit sanding sponge to sand in between paint coats. Paint raises the grain of the bare wood so sanding after each coat will give you a smooth finish. High grit sandpaper is fine also, but the sponge is easier to use.
  • Paint. Again, traditional paints release risky VOCs (and will for long after the paint dries), so we highly recommend Lullaby Paints Trim and Furniture Paint because of it’s superior coverage, outstanding durability, and zero VOC* formula. Apply two coats with a brush or mini roller. Let the piece sit overnight before using it.

Have any questions about tackling Ikea hacks for kids? Let us know in the comments and we'll do our best to help out.

*Conforms to CDPH 01350 (VOC emissions test taken at 11, 12, & 14 days for classroom and office use). Learn more about VOCs and our commitment to healthier paints here.

**Conforms to ASTMD-4236, specifically concerning oral toxicity, skin irritation and respiratory effects.

***No traditional paint (polyurethane) odor, which can cause headaches, nausea, and respiratory issues.