A Modern Tropical Nursery
Want to see how you take a salty white wall color and create an exciting and lively nursery design? Esther from Buy Modern Baby shows us how using Lullaby Paints’ Saltire as the wall color and then adding pops of brilliant greens and pinks to make a modern tropical themed nursery. Shades of white are actually the perfect backdrop when the accents are this vivid and lively. Check out how this nursery has tons of energy without being too busy.
Esther says, "When we planned to use Saltire as our paint color of the month for January, I knew I didn’t want to make it a snowy white winter theme. With a hint of gray, I knew I could take this salty white shade totally tropical." And did she ever! You can almost hear the waves lapping at the sand.
Find details for all of the products featured in this nursery design on Buy Modern Baby. For further inspiration check out Esther’s Pinterest board to see what other lovely objects could be added to make your own dreamy tropical nursery!
Follow Esther @ buymodernbaby's board Saltire White Nursery Inspiration on Pinterest.Like this paint color? Order free samples from Lullaby Paints today! Your baby should have the most beautiful space possible and Lullaby Paints is award winning paint, praised as much for its color, coverage, and durability, as it is for it being non-toxic**. Order your samples and see for yourself!**Conforms to ASTMD-4236, specifically concerning oral toxicity, skin irritation and respiratory effects.