How To Choose the Right Color for your Interior Painting Project

Interior home colors and painting projects are more intense endeavors than homeowners initially realize. Everyone has an opinion, preference, favorite color matching scheme, and project strategy. All this outsider input can make painting more of a chore than an opportunity to creatively display your living space.
Owning a home is enough of a chore, so we want to make painting it as easy and enjoyable as humanly possible. Take a pause and ponder these considerations before you start slapping brush to wall.
Energy is everything What energy do you want in your house? How do you want your colors to accent each other? Different rooms might call for different energies. Cool colors are calming and have a relaxing energy, whereas bright, bold colors draw people in and are fabulous for entertaining/group gathering spaces. Think about the rooms you're planning to paint and how you want to feel (and how you want your guests to feel) when you're in it.
Subtlety Remember that in any room, the color of the wall isn't the main event and shouldn't act as such. Room color should feel welcoming, but should not distract from the layout and actual living area in a living space. Subtle, muted color schemes are often used to add creative elegance to commonly occupied living areas without overtaking an observer's senses.
Rooms that pop! Some people will insist that painting and color matching (or clashing) have strictly defined laws you must adhere to. Those people aren't having enough fun. Guidelines are meant as the initial canvas, but you're the artist and can do whatever you want. Apparently, in a 2017 survey, houses with blue bathrooms sold for $5,400 more than predicted. Random, right? Throw color matching out and have fun with a room! Do something wild, test new ideas out, make it pop. If you don't like the result, a couple coats of white primer will reset your canvas. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty and try something weird.
When you're not sure what direction to go, head in to see the pros. Interior painting isn't as easy as you're tempted to think. Professionals can help with calculating paint coverage, picking out paint that's right for your in-home environment, pricing, and recommendations. Never forget that your home is yours to explore your creativity with. Don't obsess too much striving after perfection. The best part is that in a few years the creative painting bug will bite again and you'll be right back at it with a different view of perfect.