Colorful Ways To Use Pastels in Your Home

Cotton candy pinks. Pale sunshine yellows. Cool mints. Soothing lilacs. When we think of pastels in interior decorating, we often think of a nursery setting. Because of this, pastels are often underutilized in home décor. But there are plenty of colorful ways to use pastels in your home other than in the baby’s room. Here are a few of them.
Wall Accents
A lot of people are hesitant to completely cover their walls in a pastel color. It strikes some as being too bright or too juvenile. But you don’t have to paint an entire room baby blue to use pastels in your home. One way to bring in the perfect taste of pastel is by using it as an accent grounded by other colors. This may take the form of a solid-colored accent wall or as one color in a larger geometric design, a mural, or wallpaper.
Furniture is another way to add a pop of pastel without overdoing it. You can either purchase new pastel furniture or transform the furniture you already have. Repainting wooden chairs and end tables in one or more pastel colors or reupholstering couches and armchairs with a pastel fabric of your choice creates interesting statement pieces. Or, for a small color pop, you can just paint a small portion of the furniture piece, such as the interior of a bookshelf or the drawers of a bureau.
The 1950s were known for bringing pale pink and mint into the home. You can bring that same vintage-inspired look into the kitchen by painting your cabinets a pastel color. The light colors on the cabinets can also potentially recall a downhome country look. It all depends on the other accessories you bring into your kitchen.
Art Pieces & Accessories
The simplest way to bring a pop of pastel into the home without the commitment of paint and reupholstery is through a pastel art piece or accessory. There are plenty of options on the market, but you can also use a little ingenuity to create your own pastel accessories. For example, upcycling vintage items such as furniture, bikes, crates, and bottles creates a bold statement piece, but painting them bright colors gives them a whole new look, especially when you do a distressed paint job.
The next time you find yourself looking at our pastel non-toxic* paints for cribs, don’t limit your focus to the nursery. Pastels can brighten up your world in a plethora of ways. You just have to have the creativity to see them.
*Non-toxic: Conforms to ASTM-D4236, specifically concerning oral toxicity, skin irritation and respiratory effects.