DIY Chalkboard Lunchbox
Today's Lullaby DIY comes from Britany at 32 Turns and it couldn't be any more heart-warming! Her DIY chalkboard lunchbox is not only clever, easy, and quick - it's also an awesome way to add a little extra love to every day. Here's what she says:
"I like to leave my daughter little love notes in her school lunch box for her to find when it’s lunchtime. The school day is so very long, and I want her to have a little verbal hug from me halfway through the day to remind her that she is awesome and I love her. She likes getting these little notes from her momma! I thought it would be cute and fun to paint the lid of her lunchbox with chalkboard paint so we could write notes back and forth to each other. She will get my lunchbox notes at lunchtime and can write me a little message back and I will get it when I clean her lunchbox out after school!"
Want to make your own DIY chalkboard lunchbox? Here's how:
Step 1: Assemble your materials.
The list is pretty small; you'll only need a Lullaby Paints Chalkboard Paint Kit and a lunchbox. Britany used a soft plastic lunchbox, but we'd actually recommend hard plastic or metal for more durability.
Step 2: Prepare the surface.
Make sure the area you'll be painting is clean and dry. Tape the edges using the painter's tape included in the kit.
Step 3: Paint the surface.
Use the roller included in the kit to roll out your first coat of chalkboard paint. Let paint dry fully and then paint a second coat.
Step 4: Prime the chalkboard.
Once the paint is completely dry and cured. You can test by pressing the tip of your fingernail into a discreet spot in the paint – if you are able to dent the surface, the paint hasn’t fully dried yet. Once dry, prime the surface by rubbing the side of a piece of chalk all over the surface of the chalkboard. Wipe the chalk off using a damp cloth.
Step 5: Enjoy!