Easy Steps for a Healthy & Safe Nursery: Must-Read e-Book for Parents!
Did you know that the typical nursery may contain hundreds of different risky chemicals?
Last January, the Greenguard Environmental Institute and Good Morning America set up a nursery with a new crib, changing table, rocker and decor and then tested the air to see what kind of indoor air pollution a new baby might be exposed to. They discovered the air in their nursery contained 300 different chemicals—compared to just two right outside the window!
According to their findings, “the rocker in the nursery contained seven times California’s recommended level of formaldehyde, a chemical known to cause cancer. The crib mattress gave off more than 100 different chemicals, including industrial solvents and alcohols. Meanwhile, the paint used on the nursery’s walls contained chemical gases at five times the recommended limit.”
Building on these findings, last week the national non-profit, Healthy Child Healthy World, released a report showing that beyond what’s in the air, the care products, baby gear, toys, and even dust in the typical nursery can all contain risky chemicals. But, they also found that almost all of the exposures are easily avoided by following some simple steps which they’ve outlined in their corresponding new e-book, Easy Steps for a Healthy, Safe Nursery.
This interactive, 30+ page guide for expectant and new parents includes easy-to-understand charts on chemicals to avoid, quick and easy steps for safer shopping, budget friendly tips, and advice from some of their celebrity supporters, experts, and bloggers.
Lullaby is one of the proud sponsors of this awesome new tool for parents and we hope you find it useful! Please download it today, share it with other parents you know, and let us know what easy steps you’ll be taking to create a healthy, safe nursery for your baby!
The information provided on this site is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or recommendations. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding the issues raised here.