How to Paint a Crib in 6 Safe and Simple Steps

Lullaby 12/16/2024
How to Paint a Crib in 6 Safe and Simple Steps

Want a one-of-a-kind, customized crib for your one-in-a-million beautiful baby? Repainting a gently used crib can be an excellent, affordable option (Bonus: it's also eco-friendly since you're recycling an old piece instead of buying new!). Here's how to safely paint a crib in 6 simple steps.

Crib Safety Issues to Consider

  • The US Consumer Product Safety Commission advises against using cribs more than 10 years old. Visit their website to learn about crib recalls and regulations to ensure your crib is up to code.
  • Test for lead in paint. You shouldn't have to worry about this with cribs less than 10 years old, unless someone else has painted the crib using a very old paint. But, we always like to err on the side of caution, so we recommend picking up a test kit at your local hardware store and doing a quick swipe test. (While you're at it, if you live in a home built before 1978, test painted walls, window sills, and door jambs, too.)
  • Give the crib a good shake. If it rattles or wiggles too much, you may need to tighten things up a bit (or find a sturdier crib).

Painting Your Crib

Step 1: Prep The Crib

Place a drop cloth on the ground outside or in a garage and secure each corner with a heavy object. Make sure that the crib is clean, dry and free of any loose dirt or grime.

Step 2: Sand All Crib Surfaces

Disassembling the crib can help create a more professional looking finish, but it's not absolutely necessary. Lightly sand (scuff) all surfaces. Wear a mask to avoid inhaling the dust. You shouldn't need to remove the existing surface, just roughen it up so the new coat of paint adheres properly. Usually a medium (180#) or fine (220#) grit sandpaper or sanding sponge is sufficient.

Step 3: Clean Your Crib

After sanding the crib, be sure to remove any remaining dust to ensure a smooth and clean surface for painting. Use a tack cloth, which is designed to pick up dust and debris from wood surfaces, to gently wipe down the entire crib. Make sure to cover every nook and cranny where sanding dust may have settled.

Once the crib is dust-free, allow it to dry completely before moving on to priming or painting.

Step 4: Paint!

Apply at least two coats of non-toxic* paint, waiting 4-6 hours in between coats. If you'd like to really customize the crib, consider painting your child's name on it, a nursery rhyme or quote, stars, or any other design you'd like.

The best results will come from using a good quality synthetic bristle brush (many people make the mistake of buying the best grade of paint they can afford and then using a cheap brush to apply it).

Note: Typically, a quart of high-quality paint will cover about 125 square feet. That allows for 60 +/- square feet per coat. A quart of a premium paint is usually plenty to paint the average crib twice, with enough paint left over for future touch ups.

Step 5: Topcoat Optional

(This is actually a step you don't have to take.) When finished, it's not necessary to topcoat with a clear finish. A clear coat is not going to add any more benefits to the job than another coat of the paint will. If you've used a high-quality, non-toxic* paint (like ECOS Paints), the finish should be very durable.

Step 6: Ready For Use

While water-based paint typically dries to the touch in under an hour, the paint can continue to cure for up to 30 days. For best results, we recommend waiting 7 days before cleaning or using the crib.

Think you'll tackle this DIY? We'd love to see pictures of your projects - share them with us on Facebook or Instagram!

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Prep Your Nursery With Lullaby Paints by ECOS

You've got the crib, now onto the rest of the nursery! The Lullaby collection by ECOS Paints is here to help you create a healthier nursery for your baby. Let us help you design the perfect place for the littlest members of your family.

*Non-Toxic: Conforms to ASTMD-4236, specifically concerning oral toxicity, skin irritation and respiratory effects.