Polyurethane Fume Exposure And Your Health: What You Need To Know

It's no secret that many paints, varnishes, and clear coats emit VOCs and other harmful compounds after they've been applied to a surface. But of all types of fumes and toxins, avoiding polyurethane fumes may be the most essential due to their potential for harmful side effects, including respiratory issues and eye irritation.
Here's what you need to know about polyurethane fumes, how they relate to your health, and your options for safer, polyurethane-free DIY projects.
Is it Safe to Use Polyurethane Indoors?
Using polyurethane can often be hazardous if you're not taking the proper precautions, exposing you to fumes with several potential side effects. When you use polyurethane indoors, those risks increase significantly. A study from the EPA's Office of Research and Development found that common organic pollutants are 2 to 5 times higher indoors than outdoors.
This exposure to fumes, particularly when concentrated inside your home or business, could lead to irritation of the eyes, throat, and lungs. For individuals with chemical sensitivities, the use of polyurethane indoors could cause more severe allergic reactions.
What Are the Health Risks of Polyurethane Fumes?
Polyurethane is a petrochemical resin that contains known respiratory toxins called isocyanates. When left uncured, polyurethane can contribute to asthma and other breathing problems.
Individuals who spend time in rooms that have uncured polyurethane floor treatments may also experience other health issues like throat and eye irritation, nausea, vomiting, headaches, coughing, and shortness of breath.
You should also keep in mind that children who are exposed to polyurethane fumes may be more prone to developing these issues because of their sensitive immune systems. Individuals with existing respiratory issues are also disproportionately affected.
Here's the good news - there are polyurethane-free options available to ensure your family's well-being while tackling your next home project

Polyurethane Safety Precautions to Follow
Eco-friendly, water-based alternatives, like ECOS Paints' stains and varnishes, are an ideal treatment for hardwood floors. If using a polyurethane-based product is absolutely necessary, chemical exposure can also be limited by allowing proper curing before re-entering the affected area.
Cure times will vary based on the type and quantity of the product as well as the type of floor and airflow. If you aren't sure when you will be able to re-enter the treated area, it's best to be conservative and wait longer.
Your environment and local climate can also impact polyurethane cure times. "If you live in a humid climate, the product can also take longer to cure. Water-based polyurethane typically takes less time to fully cure. Over time, the polyurethane will become less and less toxic," writes Josh Arnold on SFGate Home Guides.
Ultimately, VOCs are considered harmful to human health and should be avoided when possible. In a recent study, participants spent six full work days in an environmentally-controlled office space at the TIEQ lab at the Syracuse Center of Excellence. In this space, VOC levels were reduced to approximately 50 micrograms per cubic meter and 40 cubic feet per minute of outdoor air per person. They found that, on average, cognitive scores in the environmentally controlled space were 101% higher than in conventional workspaces.
Avoid the Risks of Polyurethane with ECOS Paints Zero-VOC Products
Overall, investing in a zero VOC, water-based clear coat with no polyurethane odor* is the ideal finish for hardwood floors because it helps you avoid bringing unnecessary toxins and fumes into your home. Explore ECOS Paints' water-based varnishes for all of your wood finishing needs to get the look you desire without compromising your family's well-being.
*No polyurethane odor - Polyurethane can cause headaches, nausea, and respiratory issues. Conforms to ASTM E544 & ASTM MNL13.RELATED PRODUCTS
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