Quick Spring Cleaning Tips for a Safe, Healthy Nursery
Spring has sprung (or has it?) and it’s time to start clearing away the cobwebs of winter. Maybe in pre-baby years past, you’d actually do a deep clean and empty every closet and cupboard. But, post-baby, who has the time?
Regardless of your schedule, squeezing in some cleaning that’s a step beyond the usual can go a long way towards not only improving your home’s organization (which saves time in the long-run), but also towards creating a healthier space for your family. Did you know that dust mites are a serious allergy and asthma trigger, and dust is also a magnet for common toxics like lead, pesticides, and flame-retardants?
Regular dusting and vacuuming with a machine equipped with a HEPA filter should be a part of your weekly routine. But, here are some tips for going above and beyond in one of the most important rooms in your house: your baby’s nursery.
Quick Spring Cleaning Tips for a Safe, Healthy Nursery
Clear the clutter. Babies accumulate a ton of stuff. And, stuff becomes a haven for dust - as well as a welcoming home for insects and pests. Before you put that next load of laundry away, go through drawers and the closet to clear out clothes your baby has outgrown, blankets that don’t get used, and anything else that’s unnecessary. If you’re hanging onto things for sentimental reasons, consider putting them in a box or some type of plastic container and putting it away in storage.
Bust dust. Use a damp cloth (no need for cleaners or chemicals) to wipe down everything. Start up high and move down low. You probably regularly dust dresser and table tops, but this time get the upper edge of doors, windows, and picture frames. Take cushions off of wooden or metal furniture (including the crib) and wipe down all of these surfaces, too. Give the cushions a quick vacuuming while you’re at it. Don't miss toys and tchotchkes sitting on shelves. Move furniture so you can vacuum underneath everything. Dust bunnies be gone!
Wash, wash, wash. Curtains, rugs, blankets, changing table pads, covers and padding from other baby gear - wash everything you can. Doing it all in one fell swoop really saves time.
Use these easy DIY, super-safe solutions for any surface or wall woes.
- All-Purpose Cleaner: Mix 1/2 cup vinegar and 1/4 cup baking soda into 1/2 gallon water. (Add a couple drops of lavender or grapefruit oil for a light scent.)
- Mark and Smudge Eraser: With kids come crayons and markers and pencils and oftentimes they leave a little graffiti on your walls. Most marks can be cleaned off of painted surfaces by rubbing gently with a damp rag and some baking soda. Wipe, rinse, and breathe a sigh of relief.
- Sticker Goo: To remove sticker goo, spray with vinegar, wait 15 minutes, then gently rub. Repeat if necessary.
What are your spring cleaning tips?
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