Reasons To Remove Old Paint Before Repainting

ECOS Paints 08/15/2022
Reasons To Remove Old Paint Before Repainting

Whether you want to upgrade your wall's color or apply a fresh coat of the existing paint, the decision to remove the existing paint presents a common conundrum. Many people skip the paint removal process, deeming it a waste of time. However, as the age-old saying goes, "slow and steady wins the race." Removing old paint before repainting offers numerous benefits, enhancing your paint job's success. Here are four reasons to remove old paint before adding a fresh coat.

Remove Lead Traces

As paint evolved over time, its makeup changed, with manufacturers veering away from more toxic mixes over the years. Simply painting over painted walls doesn't expunge the ones underneath. The only sure-fire way to eliminate harmful chemicals is through abatement. Before adding newer, healthier, non-toxic* wall paint into your home, you should consider removing existing paint. This process gives you a clean start and a blank canvas to work with.

Avoid Painting Defects

Paint comes in numerous forms, varying in texture and finishes. Certain paint types don't mix well, as is the case with water-based and oil-based solutions, sometimes causing various defects in the finished paint job. Mixing paints in this way increases the chances of peeling, bubbling, cracking, long dry times, less sticking, and potentially an overall poor paint job. Removing old paint leads to a more successful final result than leaving the existing paint underneath.

Apply Smooth Coats of Paint

Poor paint jobs leave you with bumps, cracks, and numerous textures on your walls. Not removing the previous paint from the wall’s surface could create bumpy and uneven finishes that will only continue to build as you add more layers. When adding layers to a poor paint job, you accentuate those defects, making them more noticeable. Starting with a clean slate gives you a smooth and even foundation.

Ensure Accurate Color Payoff

Many people paint their walls as a means to add a pop of color to their homes. Fresh coats of paint display bright, vivid pigments that alter a space's look and feel. Adding color to a space makes a huge difference. However, painting over existing wall paint risks tampering with the color of your new coats. Darker and warmer colors tend to bleed through new color layers, especially those with lighter and softer hues. The type of finish previously used further affects the brightness of the fresh paint. Starting with a clean base minimizes anomalies that may affect your final look.

There are many reasons to remove old paint before repainting. One of the most important reasons is that not removing the old paint risks the success of your new paint application. As the foundation of your canvas, old paint sets the base of your fresh coats, affecting different aspects of your new paint job. Consider starting with a blank slate to ensure the success of your next painting project.

*Non-toxic - Conforms to ASTM-D4236, specifically concerning oral toxicity, skin irritation and respiratory effects. 

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