Tips for Painting While Pregnant

ECOS 08/09/2024
Tips for Painting While Pregnant

Decorating the nursery is something new parents look forward to. It's one of the steps along your pregnancy journey that reminds you that your new family member is really on the way.

Once you've decided on the theme for your baby's nursery, it's time to select the perfect paint color for your baby's nursery. For some parents, there can be some nervousness here about whether it's safe to paint while pregnant.

Have no fear - we will answer your questions about painting while pregnant, and give you helpful tips on how to safely paint your baby's nursery before their big arrival.

Can You Paint While Pregnant?

Almost every pregnant woman wonders whether it's safe to paint while they are pregnant. And though it is a straightforward question, the answer is not so clear.

Right now, there is no clear evidence that painting is harmful to a pregnancy. According to the American Pregnancy Association, “the assumption is that household painting involves very low levels of exposure.”

That said, there's not enough research that fully states which trimester is safer than the others for painting. As with all of your pregnancy questions, reach out to your healthcare provider for additional guidance to help put your mind at ease based on your unique pregnancy journey.

There are also steps you can take to ensure a better painting experience, pregnant or not! We'll share some helpful tips on what you can do to feel more comfortable painting while pregnant.

Choose Water-Based Paints

If you decide to paint while pregnant, be particularly choosy about your paint. You'll want paint that has no VOCs, is non-toxic, and has low or no odor. You'll also want a transparent ingredient list so you know exactly what potential chemicals you'll be exposed to while painting.

More importantly, you need to look into the paint's base ingredient. According to the American Pregnancy Association, oil-based paints are a no-go for pregnant painters because of their harsh solvents.

Instead, choose a water-based brand, as you'll limit the amount of toxins in the paint since they don't contain the same chemicals as oil-based brands. All of our products are water-based, meeting these standards and ensuring a safer and more sustainable option as you prepare your new baby's room.

Keep the Windows Open

This is a helpful tip for all painters, but it's even more important for painting while pregnant. Proper ventilation and air circulation while painting will help reduce the effects of VOCs while painting. To take it a step further, shop our zero VOC* nursery paints that can help you breathe easier while preparing to welcome your new addition.

Take a Shower Afterward

Even if you didn't splatter lots of paint on yourself while painting, getting in a quick wash of hair and body will help rinse off any lingering paint. Taking this extra precaution will give you peace of mind afterward and can help you feel refreshed after a long painting session.

Be Aware of Clumsiness

Another important tip when painting while pregnant - keep your feet planted firmly on the ground. Your center of gravity shifts when you're pregnant, and if you're not aware of it or you climb up on a ladder, that center shift could mean a fall. If a ladder is needed to reach higher spots or even if you have to go up on your tiptoes, ask someone else to help out with those areas.

If you follow these painting recommendations, you can help keep your mind at ease while creating the perfect nursery for your new baby. Take it a step further by shopping ECOS Paints, so you can have a healthier paint that doesn't compromise on quality. As we mentioned, we meet all the standards you'd want in an eco-friendly paint so you can feel confident about the ingredients in our products

Shop Lullaby Paints By ECOS For Healthier Painting While Pregnant

Lullaby Paints by ECOS, our line of nursery paints and primers, is zero VOC* with no polyurethane odor** (just like all of our products), but in carefully curated colors for a nursery

The Lullaby collection has everything you need from wall paint for your nursery walls to crib paint for your baby's new bed.

Shop now and get started on the nursery of your dreams so both you and your baby can rest easy knowing you picked a safer paint option for your family.

*Zero VOC: Conforms to CDPH 01350 (VOC emissions test taken at 11, 12, & 14 days for classroom and office use).
**No Polyurethane Odor: No traditional paint (polyurethane) odor, which can cause headaches, nausea, and respiratory issues.

CATEGORIES DIY Projects Healthy Home Lullaby