Top Baby Names of 2012

Lullaby 12/31/2012

Top Baby Names 2012

The results are in for the annual BabyCenter Top 100 most popular names of the year! Compiled from nearly half a million parents who shared their baby's name  in 2012, this is probably the most definitive list around.

Is your child’s name on the list? Looking for ideas for your soon-to-be?

Aiden and Sophia are the King and Queen of the list this year with Harrison and Eleanor closing it out. What about the 98 in between? Here are the top 20 for both boys and girls. Click through to BabyCenter for the full list. (And, click on each name for its popularity over time, common sibling names, and more.)

Girls' Names

Boys' Names

What’s your child’s name?

photo credit: Raphael Goetter via photopin cc